To use Time Tracking in Jira make sure this feature is enabled in Global Configuration. Detailed instruction can be find here.
Jira users can log work on issues under some conditions:
they have LOG WORK project permission
they are agents for Jira Service Desk project
How non-agent user can log work?
It’s a common question on Atlassian forum. The most popular two you can find here and here.
On the Atlassian Marketplace you can find app Feature Bundle app. It has an option to enable log work by collaborators. Make sure that collaborators has BROWSE PROJECT and LOG WORK permission on the Jira project as the app respect those permissions.
Then select the issue you want to log time on and go to More > Log Work.
Fill in the fields, and select Log.
Congratulation! 💪You have just logged work as a collaborator.
Key takeaways
Feature Bundle allows to log work by non-agents users on Jira Service Management requests. Thanks to that you don’t have to buy extra agent seats.